About us




An international public relations agency working in and around the Climate and Ecological Emergency PR, focusing on global narrative shifts. We offer international and multi-cultural communication, reputation creation/adaptation, design and execution of diverse media campaign strategies. Need just the elements? Ask about our A la carte services, tailored to your specific needs, from strategy and content consultation to itemised comms services, products and training. 


To facilitate a communications revolution for a healthier planet by providing expertise, guidance and services, empowering clients and partners to communicate in an uncertain world. Climate Change affects all of us. How, is up to you. 
Together, we will defy expectations and define tomorrow.

Because our home is on fire. Speak-up and inspire change. 


Corporate clients and individuals who wish to shift their messaging away from business as usual towards a society which cares for the planet, people and our children’s future. Workshopping key narratives, identifying opportunities and projecting your desired future right by your side. By absorbing your passion and instilling our dedication, we make your message ours. Our clients and partners are ethically responsible and reflect a genuine interest in mitigating and adapting to the climate emergency,  the defining factor of our times and future communication.
Our pledge: Bespoke, caring, ethical public relations strategies, knowledge, tools, training and execution. We give you what you need, when you want it.


Communities and groups with limited access and knowledge of PR are our reason for being. Through our climate activism experience we realised many of the most affected by the Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) have limited resources or opportunities to understand the power of strategic communication. The Clima identifies specific causes which impact on the climate and ecological reality, even on a micro level, and seeks external funding and donations to empower real humans with communication skills, knowledge, strategies, tools and resources. 

Our pledge: We will lift your voice to the global microphone.


Fun, fair and easy...

We are transparent, professionals, defined by effectiveness and kindness. Being cut-throat brought about the Climate and Ecological Emergency. You can get what you need, fairly. We offer ethical counsel ethically, working with passion, cultivating excellence, expertly tailored just for you. It begins by believing in you, and then striving for success together. It's simple: if you shine, so will we, and our planet

At The Clima, we communicate change by living it.
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